Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Low-Down on STD Transmission

!: The Low-Down on STD Transmission

STD's, as the name suggests, are transferred via sexual contact whether it is anal, vaginal, or even oral. Whatever route it is as long as it involves, intimate contact between an infected individual and a susceptible one, STD can be acquired. Being sexually active, it is advisable for one to go to STD clinics to get tested to check if your last sexual encounter brought you more than just a pleasurable night.

Chlamydia Transmission
Chlamydia transmission occurs during sexual intercourse and can also be transferred from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth. That is to say, any sexually active person can be infected with chlamydia. The greater the number of sex partners you have, the greater the risk of getting the infection is. That being said, being sexually active is a big factor; thus, one should always get routine STD check-ups to determine whether or not you have the STD or not.

Herpes Transmission
Herpes infection is spread via direct skin to skin contact. Unlike the flu virus where you can get it through the air, herpes spreads through direct contact: it is through direct contact from the site of the infection to the body part. For example, if you have a cold sore and you kiss someone, you are transferring the virus from your mouth to theirs. Similarly, if you have active genital herpes and have penetrative intercourse, you can give your partner genital herpes. You can also pass on your oral herpes to their genitals by performing oral sex. For cases such as these, it would be best to visit a STD clinic to be tested and to get prescribed the proper medication.

Gonorrhea Transmission
Gonorrhea is transmitted through contact with the: genitals, mouth, or anus. It is important to note that ejaculation is not necessary in order for the gonorrhea to be transmitted. People who have had gonorrhea and have undergone treatment may get infected again if they have sexual contact with a person who is also infected with gonorrhea. Regular check-ups at STD clinics are advised especially if you are sexually active.

Syphilis Transmission
Syphilis transmission occurs through direct contact with a syphilis sore during sex. These sores appear on the external genitals, anus, or in the rectum. Sores may also appear on the lips and in the mouth. If you have sores present in these area and are sexually active, get tested immediately to confirm if it is or is not syphilis.

HPV Transmission
HPV is typically transmitted through direct contact/skin-to-skin contact. The virus may also be spread by touching something that has been contaminated with the virus although a chance of transmitting the disease this way is extremely small. Get tested regularly for STDs, not just HPV but for other types as well.

This being the case, it is important for anyone who is sexually active to have regular and routine STD check-ups to make sure that they are not infected. By doing this, you will be able to know if you are already infected even before the symptoms manifest. That way you can prevent the possible spread of the illness and decrease the rate of occurrences.

The Low-Down on STD Transmission

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Analog TV Digital Transmission

!: Analog TV Digital Transmission

Remember the old days of analog TV, radio, etc. Most of us do unless you're really young. And still today there are plenty of analog systems in use. Normal radio still uses analog transmission. But the digital age has begun and more and more we will use digital systems rather than analog systems.

Digital transmission systems have many advantages over analog transmission systems, like higher quality of audio and video. How come digital systems can transmit higher quality signals than analog systems? The truth is that they don't. They just use some tricks to eliminate noise.

Analog Transmission Systems

When something like video and audio, is recorded by an analog system, the recording has a certain quality. This recording (when done professionally) has a very high quality. When the recording is transmitted it is modulated directly to a carrier wave, which is then transmitted through the air, cable, via satellite, etc. During this transmission, the carrier and the modulated signal will loose amplitude (power) and due to interference noise is introduced to the carrier and its modulated signal. The result will always be a received signal that has a lower quality than the transmitted signal. Hence, the modulated signal, the recording, will also be of lower quality than the original.

Analog transmission systems are unable to maintain the quality the original has.

Digital Transmission Systems

In the digital world the recording can be transmitted to another place without loosing any quality. An exact copy of the original recording is transmitted. So how come that digital transmission systems don't loose quality when transmitting a signal?

Well..... Actually they do lose quality just like the analog transmission system does.

Surprised? No Problem. Most people don't know that digital signals still need to be transmitted by analog transmission systems. The trick is that a digital system doesn't record analog signals, but encodes analog signals into bits (zeros and ones). A sample is taken many times per second and the size of each sample is written down in bits. For instance a sample with the value of 9 would be 1001 and 11 would be 1011.

The digital transmission system needs to transmit those zeros and ones, and it does this by modulating the carrier wave. Low power for a 0 and high power for a 1 (This is the most simple way of modulating. There are much more sophisticated forms of modulation, but it would take a whole book to describe them all.)

So on the receiving end, it doesn't matter anymore what the quality of the signal is, as long as it still is possible to identify the zeros and ones. Noise in the received signal is no problem. A "1" with noise is still a "1" and a "0" with noise is still a "0". Of course the noise can not be too high, otherwise mistakes would be made and a zero would be received as one or a one would be received as a zero.

So Digital Transmission Systems are better because they eliminate the effect of noise completely. You don't look and listen to a received signal from an original recording, but you look and listen to a reproduced signal of the recording. The reproduction comes from an exact copy of the original recording.

The quality of what you see and hear now depends on your TV and Sound System. A high quality TV and Sounds System will give you high quality Video and Audio. The negative effects of the (still analog) transmission have been eliminated from the process.

Satellite TV makes use of Digital Transmission Systems. What you see at home will always be of Digital no (much less) noise Quality.

Analog TV Digital Transmission

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Transmission of HPV Through Child Birth

!: Transmission of HPV Through Child Birth

Most do not think of sexually transmitted diseases when they consider children. Unhappily, our kids do experience harmful effects from adults who catch sexually transmitted diseases. For example, a child, through accidental contact with diseased tissue, could be exposed to the HPV, as in childbirth.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a cause of cancer of the cervix; it needs to be taken seriously by both those who are active sexually, and those who at risk for sexually transmitted diseases and are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Another rare disease caused by HPV infection Laryngeal papillomatosis. The 2 types of virus that are linked with this disease are HPV 6 and HPV 11. With this disease, growths or warts grow quickly and are varied in size; they can grow in number and size until affectively blocking the air passageway. It may become hard for a child to breathe when sleeping and difficulty in swallowing may also be experienced.

HPV is exceptionally contagious via skin-to-skin contact in addition to sexual contact. The one noticeable sign of infection is the appearance of genital warts, not all of which can be seen, especially in infected women. Warts will emerge within 3 months of HPV infection.

In pregnancy, the immune system is lowered, causing a pregnant woman to be more susceptible to viral infections such as HPV. This in turn causes genital warts during pregnancy to grow even quicker and larger.

If your baby should become infected with HPV during the passage through the vagina during delivery, there may appear genital warts or there may be warts on the throat which is known as laryngeal papillomatosis.

Laryngeal papillomatosis is a rare disease that is caused by HPV infection. The two types of virus that are associated with this disease are: HPV 6 and HPV 11. The growths or warts from this disease grow rapidly and vary in size. When they grow in number and size they may effectively block the air passageway. This makes it difficult for your child to breathe when sleeping and they can also experience difficulty in swallowing.

Two tests are available to establish whether your child is suffering from this disease or not. The first is called Indirect Laryngoscopy. This is an in-office procedure conducted by a speech pathologist or a family doctor. A small mirror is placed in the back of the throat to examine the larynx area.

The other test is Direct Laryngoscopy; this is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia. This lets the doctor view directly the vocal cord folds and supplementary parts of the larynx under high magnification. Tissue biopsy may also be taken during the procedure to identify the existence of HPV.

All of this can be avoided with the proper precautions, the most effective of which is inoculation with the HPV vaccine.

Transmission of HPV Through Child Birth

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Extend the Life of Your Vehicle's Transmission

!: How to Extend the Life of Your Vehicle's Transmission

Your car's transmission is comprised of hundreds of individual parts. Each has a specific job to perform and they work in unison to support the tranny's operation. Any assembly with that many parts working together is bound to eventually develop problems. When they occur, it is important to have a mechanic resolve them quickly. Otherwise, they will evolve and worsen, becoming far more expensive with time.

Given that a complete overhaul costs thousands of dollars, investing time to prolong your transmission's life can save a significant amount of money. In this article, I'll provide a quick checklist of preventative maintenance steps you can take to extend the life of your car's tranny as long as possible.

Maintain The Fluid Level

Your transmission needs fluid in order to operate efficiently. Under normal conditions, the level of fluid should rarely decline. However, if the assembly develops leaks, they can cause a severe lack of fluid that will lead to costly damage down the road.

Get into the habit of checking the transmission fluid at the same time you check your oil level. You'll find the two dipsticks are located near each other. Keep in mind that you need to let the engine idle for a minute before checking the tranny fluid.

Also, when checking the level, examine the fluid's color. It should have a reddish hue. If it looks brown or dirty, you need to have it changed. Refer to your owner's manual for the recommended service schedule.

Stay Vigilant About Leaks

Leaks are problematic because they always worsen, causing expensive damage to your transmission. The first sign of leaking will be a few drops on the pavement directly under the assembly. Assuming the leak is not coming from your power steering system, you should have a mechanic fix it as soon as possible. If you only see a few drops on the ground, you can get away with replenishing the fluid level. However, keep in mind that leaks do not go away. They must be fixed.

Have Minor Problems Repaired Immediately

If your transmission is experiencing problems, you will notice them. For example, you might hear a high-pitched whine under the floorboard, or feel "jerky" shifting during acceleration. Like leaks, these problems will not disappear on their own. They suggest that something is wrong and needs to be repaired or replaced.

There is one rule of thumb you can count on when it comes to your vehicle's tranny: the cost of repairs will rise in proportion to the number of miles you drive after hearing the first signs of trouble. Many problems, if they are identified early enough, can be repaired relatively inexpensively. For example, a worn or leaking gasket can often be replaced without needing to lift the assembly out of your vehicle.

Given that a complete overhaul can translate into a ,000 repair bill, it pays to extend the life of your transmission. The more you can do upfront to avoid problems, or prevent minor issues from growing worse, the longer you'll be able to drive without needing major repairs.

How to Extend the Life of Your Vehicle's Transmission

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Aberration-corrected Imaging in Transmission Electron Microscopy: An Introduction

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Brand : | Rate : | Price : $74.89
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This book provides a concise introduction to practical aspects of atomic-resolution imaging in aberration-corrected electron microscopy. As such, it addresses recent advances in electron optical instrumentation used for ultra-high resolution imaging in materials and nano-science. It covers two of the most popular atomic resolution imaging techniques' namely high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The book bridges the gap between application-oriented textbooks in conventional electron microscopy and books in physics covering dedicated topics in charged-particle optics and aberration correction.

The book is structured in three parts which can be read separately. While in the first part the fundamentals of the imaging techniques and their limits in conventional electron microscopes are explained, the second part provides readers with the basic principles of electron optics and the characteristics of electron lenses. The third part, focusing on aberrations, describes the functionality of aberration correctors and provides readers with practical guidelines for the daily work with aberration-corrected electron microscopes. The book represents a detailed and easy readable guide to aberration-corrected electron microscopy.

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Aberration-corrected Imaging in Transmission Electron Microscopy: An Introduction

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

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This profusely illustrated text on Transmission Electron Microscopy provides the necessary instructions for successful hands-on application of this versatile materials characterization technique. The new edition also includes an extensive collection of questions for the student, providing approximately 800 self-assessment questions and over 400 questions suitable for homework assignment.

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Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science (4 Vol set)

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Transmission Problems - 8 Warning Signs

!: Transmission Problems - 8 Warning Signs

You may be reading this article because you suspect that something is amiss with the automatic transmission in your car. Often times, people experience what they feel may be a transmission concern but are unsure. Take my advice; it is far better to address these problems early on than to let them evolve into a catastrophic transmission failure.

Because the automatic transmission is the most complex piece of machinery in your entire vehicle, by no means can a list of warning signs be all-inclusive. With that said, here are the 8 most common problems that have been observed by transmission repair specialists over the years. These are the early warning signs that you want to look out for:

1) Leakage. That small pool of pinkish oil that you see when you move your vehicle from its parking spot in the morning is a sign of trouble. Transmissions can leak from nearly 20 different external seals- some are very simple to repair, while others require more involved service procedures. In any case, the idea is to have the vehicle looked at right away by a qualified transmission repair shop because, much like an engine that gets low on oil, a transmission that is low on fluid can fail completely in very short order.

2) Shaking. Sometimes a shaking or bucking sensation is experienced, especially at highway speeds. While this may be an issue of poor engine tune, it could also be a malfunction in the transmission. Take it to an expert that can tell the difference and diagnose it for you.

3) Delayed drive or reverse. A noticeably longer than normal hesitation for your transmission to engage a gear once the shifter is put in "D" or "R" is another sign of a transmission malfunction. These delays can be caused by anything from a low fluid level or a band that is in need of adjustment to an internal transmission seal or clutch pack that is failing. Again, sooner rather than later is the right time to get it checked out.

4) A neutral condition on brisk acceleration from a stop or when going around a turn. This is a classic sign of a low fluid condition. Remember, unlike an engine where it may be normal for some oil to be consumed over time, if a transmission is low on fluid it is leaking.

5) Burning smell. A burnt odor can be a sign of a transmission that is overheating or is leaking fluid onto the exhaust. This needs to be addressed immediately- if engine oil or transmission fluid drips onto a hot exhaust it could catch on fire.

6) Check engine light. Today's transmissions are computer controlled and a check engine light can be an indication of a trans problem, even if you don't have a drivability symptom yet. Modern automobile computers are extremely sensitive and can detect a transmission slip or malfunction that would be imperceptible to the driver. The light comes on to tell you that something is wrong somewhere- listen to it and get your car checked out!

7) Transmission Slipping. Slipping is a condition where the engine is revving but full power is not getting to the wheels. Slipping can be caused by a variety of transmission malfunctions- none of which should be ignored.

8) Harsh shifting and wrong gear starts. A hard shift or wrong gear start either by itself or in conjunction with a check engine light may be a sign that your transmission is in a computer commanded "failsafe" or "limp home" mode. This can be triggered by your vehicle's computer when it detects a transmission fault. The reason for this computer strategy is to let the driver know that there is a problem and to help protect the transmission from further damage while it is "limped" to a shop to be repaired.

While we often fall into the trap of hoping that problems with our vehicles will somehow go away or fix themselves, rarely does it work out that way. Paying attention to and addressing your vehicle's small problems before they turn into larger ones can often help you to avoid costly transmission repairs.

Transmission Problems - 8 Warning Signs

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Monday, April 18, 2011

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All of SIGGs traditional aluminum bottles are manufactured in the companys manufacturing plant at its headquarters in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. However, in the last few years SIGG has sourced some stainless steel thermoses and flasks from China. These products account for less than 3 percent of the companys total sales and beginning in early 2009 will be sold under the SteelWorks label. All of SIGGs aluminum bottles will continue to be made in Switzerland.

We have received some consumer questions and prefer to be extremely clear about where our bottles are made, said SIGG CEO Steve Wasik. We have full-time Swiss employees on the ground in China at the factories to ensure these specialty products meet our stringent quality standards. Several of our loyal consumers have told us that when they see the SIGG brand, they expect to get a Swiss-made product - and we agree! So, to reduce any further confusion, in 2009 we are introducing the SteelWorks brand on all of our stainless steel products.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Mega Man Network Transmission

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MegaMan Network Transmission takes MegaMan and his Battle Network pal Lan to face a newer, deadlier problem threatening the online world!

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Transmission - automated to hand-operated Conversion

When I purchased my Eg4 Civic hatchback in 1998, I loved all about it, the body interior and engine were all in perfect condition. However, there was one thing that I would not have chosen: the self-acting transmission. The original engine was a Jdm D15B Sohc Vtec, rated at a respectable 130 p.s. Especially for a 1500 cc!

So I started my study on the net to find out my options with respect to getting the car converted to manual transmission. In my search, I discovered Eric's B16A site and the Hybrid site among others. So I began to think, why go straight through the problem of changing the transmission on the 1500, might as well go for it an put in a Dohc 1600cc Vtec and gain 40 hp in the process! I thought about a B18C but those engines are rare and costly in Trinidad. In any Case the Jdm second generation B16A puts out the same horsepower, with a bit less torque. From what I had learned on the Internet I knew the engine would fit fine. Also because my car originally came with a Vtec engine, I knew that the wiring would not be very difficult.


I read as much as I could find on swaps, and tried to plan the operation to the best of my ability. Let me point out, that there is no substitute for good information, so if you are planning any sort of hybrid, read as much as you can Before you start; web sites, Faqs, articles, magazines, whatever. I chose to have a local shop with vital Honda palpate do the work and I was able to uncover the engine from a local importer.

Transmission - automated to hand-operated Conversion

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This groundbreaking text has been established as the market leader throughout the world. Profusely illustrated, Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science provides the necessary instructions for successful hands-on application of this versatile materials characterization technique. For this first new edition in 12 years, many sections have been completely rewritten with all others revised and updated. The new edition also includes an extensive collection of questions for the student, providing approximately 800 self-assessment questions and over 400 questions that are suitable for homework assignment. Four-color illustrations throughout also enhance the new edition.

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`The book answers nearly any question - be it instrumental, practical, or theoretical - either directly or with an appropriate reference...This book provides a basic, clear-cut presentation of how transmission electron microscopes should be used and of how this depends specifically on one's specific undergoing project.'MRS Bulletin, May 1998

`The only complete text now available which includes all the remarkable advances made in the field of TEM in the past 30-40 years....The authors can be proud of an enormous task, very well done.' – from the Foreword by Professor Gareth Thomas, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley

My Mistake
I knew that it would be best to buy the engine and Accessories as a package, and that's just what I did. But I focussed on the big items, Engine, Y21 Lsd trany, Ecu, unblemished engine wire harness, axles, and in so doing, I did not even realize that the engine did not have the mounts! (No Ac unit either!) Now although In my country we have quite a brisk trake in Jdm parts, some things are almost impossible to get, like mounts!

The solution? Alter the original D15B mounts to fit. That mistake made a scheme that would have taken a little less than two weeks, last five weeks. You could imagine how my wife loved me for this!

Starting Up
The mounts took a admittedly long time to complete, plus as you would expect, my car wasn't the only one in the shop! Anyway, it turns out that the rear (center) engine mount could be used on the B16A. I was able to get a front transmission mount, leaving three mounts to be institution adjusted. By the way the lower front engine mount / ac bracket on the B series motor is totally dissimilar to the D series mounts so I fabricated an adapter flange to accept my old Ac unit. (No way did I have intentions of buying an Ac).

After the mounts were adjusted and the engine was in the allowable place, the axle hardware was mounted in a jiffy, and vital fluids and hoses were connected. All the electricals plugged right in, together with the new Computer. The only divergence was the D series motor had the Map sensor fixed on the Throttle Body, so a remote unit was added for the new engine. The engine fired up, no problems. By the way, you guys should hear what the beast sounds like with only the tri-y headers! Since the headers were longer than the original, I had to adjust the distance of the exhaust pipe so that it could bolt to the headers


Now the self-acting definite facts. Take off the self-acting Gear Lever and toss it! There is a plastic slider underneath which is associated to the car's harness. This slider should be set to the Park position and locked there by some means. The guys at the shop put a big blob of silicone sealant over mine. This is vital if you plan to take your key out of the ignition after you drive!! Also on the plastic slider, there are two wires soldered near the town of the gismo (yel, blk/grn). When these wires are shorted they initiate the reverse lights and chime. (At least my car has a reverse chime). My guidance is to find the reverse sensor on the transmission, trace them to the relationship junction on the right side of the engine bay, then run a pair of wires from the reverse sensor leads to the plastic slider. Voila! Your reverse lights will work fine.

I had to add a knock sensor wire and an O2 sensor wire as detailed on the Hybrid Site. However, I still got a code 23 after driving the car for a few minutes. Then it occurred to me, that the Computer still notion the car was automatic. Now, I admittedly tried to find the Transmission control Module but for the life of me I couldn't. Maybe you have to Take off the dash of something extreme. Anyway, with the help of a B16A2 wiring diagram from my friend Christian in Austria, I was able to recognize the Ecu leads that were no longer needed. Just cut the leads and tape'em up! The first four are the Tcm leads; the other two go to At sensors for which I don't have the German translation:-)

Ecu leads






Of procedure when you Take off the self-acting gear shifter, there will be a gaping hole under there. I found that my car did not have any mounting holes for the shift linkage. This is good in a way, as you get to choose where the shifter will lie. I used a Crx shifter in my application and just bolted it on straight through the sheet metal in the floor arch. Depending on the linkage you use, and the plastic moldings that you choose to put over the shifter, some adjustment of the linkage distance may be necessary.

You will see a photograph of the pedal box from a Crx on the left. If you are admittedly observant you will notice that this pedal box is made for a cable clutch system. The verdict: scrap the idea of changing the pedal box. The guys cut off the clutch pedal, and welded on a hinge so it could be used to actuate the plunger on the clutch master cylinder. We used a soft line to connect the slave cylinder (on the trany) to the hard line, which connects to the clutch master cylinder. Very simple. In the interior photograph you can see the large (At) brake pedal next to the clutch.

The Result
The car works beautifully and is a joy to drive. Every feature and sensor is operational. Since I kept the original At housing around the shifter I did not loose one of my popular features of the car; the fold in cup holder! The shifter boot is institution made from Italian leather. I also got the white faced gauges with the deal!

I would admittedly suggest against swapping in the other direction though since all the car's wiring behind the firewall would have to be changed in order to get a fully functional (all features working) automatic.

Transmission - automated to hand-operated ConversionIncubus - Aqueous Transmission Video Clips. Duration : 7.82 Mins.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

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From the DVD "Arriving Somewhere" (2006) If you like this, buy the DVD. Porcupine Tree is http Steven Wilson, Colin Edwin, Richard Barbieri and Gavin Harrison. Porcupine Tree Porcupine Tree biography is without doubt one of the most difficult - to categorize and innovative bands of today. The band is Steven Wilson, who is also known for his work producing other artists, in front of the Swedish band Opeth progressive metal, the Norwegian singer Anja Garbarek.It also has many other projects, including No-Man, Blackfield and Bass Communion. Porcupine Tree was founded as a self-indulgent creative outlet for Wilson and the first major publication was "On the Sunday of Life ..." in 1992 an album of psychedelia and experimentation in the studio, the bit with the actual sound of the band. From here, Wilson expanded the sound, creating the progressive rock / ambient trance fusion on 30 minutes single "Voyage 34". One of the few constants inPorcupine Tree's music is, how it developed and the expectations of fans of the band from album to album up. End of 1993, the solo project, a band, as Colin Edwin (bass), Chris Maitland (drums) and Richard Barbieri (keyboards) were recruited to act Porcupine Tree live. Richard was previously a member of the 80 experimental band in Japan. The first real band album recorded was 'Signify' in 1996, later (1999) 'Stupid Dream', a...

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Thursday, March 31, 2011


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Saturday, March 26, 2011

E4OD Exchange Transmission

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From street and towing to full race, BD Builds Them Best! To some it is a challenge to simply disassemble and assemble a Ford transmission.For BD, the challenge was to improve the durability and performance of thesetransmissions in demanding, high-torque diesel applications. The smooth shifting associated with the stock Ford transmission is the resultof slippage that produces heat and accelerates wear. BD transmission and converterclutches are made from specialized, high-performance materials, and 33% moreclutch surface is added to eliminate slippage.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quick Help Guide for Buying a New Transmission

If you're in need of a new or rebuilt transmission, it's now easier than ever to find the type you need straight through online resources. Buying a transmission has all the time been a much-dreaded task for car owners. Fortunately, there are associates now that specialize in new or remanufactured transmissions, transmission repair, and transmission diagnostics so you can get the aid you need when you need it.

Types of Transmissions


There are several types of transmissions. The self-operating transmission is a part of the drive train that transfers the vehicle's machine power to the wheels or Driveshaft. There is no need for a clutch because gear shifting is done automatically. With a manual transmission, you must manually turn gears using a gearshift. These are often called "stick shift" transmissions. They also use a clutch to turn gears, which is operated by foot.

Quick Help Guide for Buying a New Transmission

!1: Now is the time Transmission Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $0.35Date Created :Mar 17, 2011 11:52:42
In Transmission, award-winning writer Hari Kunzru takes an ultra-contemporary turn with the story of an Indian computer programmer whose luxurious fantasies about life in America are shaken when he accepts a California job offer.

Lonely and naïve, Arjun spends his days as a lowly assistant virus- tester, pining away for his free-spirited colleague Christine. Arjun gets laid off like so many of his Silicon Valley peers, and in an act of desperation to keep his job, he releases a mischievous but destructive virus around the globe that has major unintended consequences. As world order unravels, so does Arjun’s sanity, in a rollicking cataclysm that reaches Bollywood and, not so coincidentally, the glamorous star of Arjun’s favorite Indian movie.

Most cars from the 1950s until today came with a accepted manual transmission or optional self-operating transmission. There are also special types of transmissions built for front wheel drive, four-wheel drive, and rear wheel drive. One must also consider if the model is a domestic make or a foreign make.

Understanding Transmission Diagnostics

Today's high doing transmissions also require high-tech transmission diagnostics! In today's "tech" world, everything is Computerized - even the automobile! So, diagnosing a transmission problem is not quite as simple as it once was long ago. Before choosing a transmission heal shop, ask questions to be sure they have the valuable transmission diagnostic tools so they can find the real problem.

Many electronic transmissions will show symptoms for one problem when it could be another type of problem. A few must-have tools for diagnostics comprise a transmission pressure gauge, a scan tool with the right software/adaptors for accessing transmission codes, and diagnostic charts.

Common Transmission Problems (or Symptoms):

* Slipping

* Delayed shifts or engagement when put into gear

* machine flair-up while shifts

* Noises

* Loss of Gears

* Loose or leaky vacuum line

* Broken throttle cable

Searching Online for the Right Transmission heal Service

When searching online for a transmission heal service, use major hunt engines or auto directories to find several companies. Email or call to ask questions. Find out what type of tools they use to diagnose transmission problems. Also, find out if there are testimonials and references available at the company's website. See which brand names are offered. Are they dependable brands such as Allison Transmissions or other high-quality products?

Some associates offer many automotive heal services while others specialize in transmission repair. Either you need a repair, a brand new transmission or a rebuilt transmission, you'll want to pick the right firm from the start to minimize heal time and costs.

Use the following keywords or key phrases to begin your online search:

* transmission heal (add your city or state name here to find one nearby)

* transmission specialists (add your city or state name here to find one nearby)

* rebuilt transmissions (add your city or state name here to find one nearby)

* remanufactured transmissions (add your city or state name here to find one nearby)

Once you've chosen a company, give the heal man all the details of your problems so they can correctly diagnose it for repairs. You don't want to waste money repairing something that's not broken!

Use the tips above to pick the best possible firm for your transmission needs. You'll be driving smoothly again in no time!

Quick Help Guide for Buying a New TransmissionArmado de la Transmisión AUTOMATIC Video Clips. Duration : 8.82 Mins.

A video que muestra como armamos the Transmisión en el Taller de Maquinas de cbtis 139th of Internal Combustion

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